
How to Reframe Setbacks for Future Growth
As entrepreneurs, we’re always measuring ourselves by success and failures. For example, if our latest product launch was a hit, if our team made their goals, if you landed the new client, and so on. Success, in these instances, can inspire us, and no matter how many times we reach a goal, the sense of achievement that comes with a victory is always thrilling.
However, in actuality, success can be challenging to attain. There’s no guarantee that each goal you set will be achieved. For many reasons, some even out of our control, failure happens — in our personal lives and businesses. Whereas success brings us inspiration, failure can bring us burnout and frustration.

Foundation Days: Time Management for your Business Operations
As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to prioritize tasks over anything else and, sometimes, we need to do that. In the same breath, we don’t want to get stuck only managing our time. Instead, we want to establish new habits for time management, which become a system of life.

What is KASH?
Discover your personal goal-achieving currency. Where are your goals leading you? We often set short-term goals that are reactive to our present situation. The solutions we develop from reactive goals fill an immediate need. What they neglect to do is provide a vision and plan beyond achieving our immediate goal.