What is KASH?

Discover your personal goal-achieving currency

Where are your goals leading you? We often set short-term goals that are reactive to our present situation. The solutions we develop from reactive goals fill an immediate need. What they neglect to do is provide a vision and plan beyond achieving our immediate goal. They may resolve a problem and improve our situation, but they don’t truly lead us anywhere.   

As entrepreneurs, once we stop setting reactive goals and start setting proactive BELIEVE IT, then SEE IT goals, we can, again, get excited and motivated to achieve the visionary goals that we’ve set. With this, we also start to develop new KASH.

What is KASH?

As we focus on a visionary and proactive goal, we also begin to develop the necessary new KASH to achieve the goal. 

K - Knowledge 

Throughout our lifetimes, we learn how to achieve goals that are beyond our capabilities, i.e. riding a bike. As entrepreneurs, knowledge is the foundation for the success of any business or the achievement of goals. Knowledge requires patience and persistence, and it is pursued through education, experience and training. By setting proactive goals, we allow and encourage ourselves to discover something that we don’t understand, to explore the unknown and remove ourselves from the present. With this, the more we’re able to learn, the more we can apply to future learning, our life and to our businesses.  

A - Attitude

Life is defined by the attitude you bring to it. Our feelings, motivations and values all affect the way we approach achieving goals. It’s the model for our behavior. A positive attitude that reframes challenges and failures into an opportunity, helps us get self-motivated, give our best and maximize our performance as we set course on a path to achievement.     

S - Skills

Developing the right skills to achieve a proactive goal directly relates to our ability to perform on high level. While some skills may come naturally to us, there are others that require repetition and training to develop. By setting in place a plan to reach a BELIEVE IT, then SEE IT goal, we can foresee challenges and develop the necessary skills to overcome them. 

H - Habits

There is nothing stronger than a habit. They take time to develop and are often challenging to break. However, habits that advance our goals can stick with us and translate to future success. With this, excellence can consistently be achieved. 

How are you increasing your KASH?

The MasterPlan Coaching program is designed for individuals who are serious about growing personally and professionally. We will not only accelerate the growth of your income and goals, but the impact you are making on the world. If you feel that you have another gear in you, but just haven’t quite figured out how to hit it—our coaches and our process will help you clarify what you want and provide a tract that will enable you to achieve it faster than you have ever experienced in the past. 

Register now for MasterPlan Coaching to increase your KASH.


Foundation Days: Time Management for your Business Operations