How to Focus on the Positives of Personal Growth

It’s easy to lose sight of the progress you’ve made, adversely affecting how you view yourself and your journey.  To avoid frustration, disappointment, and discouragement, focus on your:

GAP: Growth, Accomplishments, & Progress

At the end of each week, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What did I accomplish?

  2. Why is this important to me?

  3. What further progress would I like to make?

  4. What will be my focus strategy?

Taking regular inventory of your progress and accomplishments helps you build confidence and maintain a positive perspective. Asking yourself these questions each week can help you take stock of what you’ve achieved.

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If you feel that you have another gear in you, but just haven’t quite figured out how to hit it, our coaches and our process will help you clarify what you want and provide a track that will enable you to achieve it faster than you have ever experienced in the past. 

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The Purpose of Personal Days


How to Reframe Setbacks for Future Growth